5 Months after opening of BUELL SCHOOL
After 5 months of its opening, the teachings of Buell school are already beginning to have an impact in the lives of students: With teaching centered on language learning, numeracy, Christian life and other courses provided by the country's national curriculum, students who did not have the chance to study for lack of means, are able slowly get out of it and improve.

With each passing day, Tracy's Heart Founder, Mama Brenda Buell reminds Tracy's Heart workers that the foundation of all Tracy's Heart Foundation programs is God, Director Mama Byabeca ensures that this vision of the founder , that of placing GOD at the center of everything, is well understood even in the learning of the students. With this objective of bringing them to know Christ, the school organizes worship every Tuesday where students and teachers find an intense moment of worship and prayer followed by the preaching of the word of God.

In order to help students in language learning, a language club has been opened to allow students to improve their French and English languages. Apart from the hours of English and French provided by the Congolese national program, they spend 3 hours of time every Friday to deepen their knowledge in English and 3 hours of time to deepen their knowledge in French.
The school hopes to produce in the coming days well-trained students, having the fear of God in order to make a difference in management to become useful to the development of Congo.